Engineering Salary Ranges

These are the ranges used by the Engineering discipline. These apply both to Individual Contributors and Managers.

Level Start Med End
1 27,000 € 30,000 € 33,000 €
2 31,000 € 36,500 € 42,000 €
3 39,000 € 47,000 € 55,000 €
4 52,000 € 65,000 € 78,000 €
5 75,000 € 93,500 € 112,000 €
6 92,000 € 115,000 € 138,000 €

Different sections of the bands can be in use on job offers, depending on our recruiting strategy and needs.

For Managers, part of their salary will be in the form of a functional bonus, aknowledging their special responsibility. This allows us having a single set of salary ranges in Engineering for both Individual Contributors and Managers.