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The data engineering team at cabify

Mario Castro · 5 min read

We use heavily Google’s infrastructure to delegate the administration of many of our data needs. We like to focus on features and Product instead of operations, we like to focus...

What to do when your code is starting to smell

Rafael Ramón · 3 min read

When I started as a Cabify Engineer, Cabify was growing exceptionally quickly. This is quite common in a large start-up, but for me it was a real challenge as I...

Untangling knots

Abél Muiño · 4 min read

tl;dr: **never ship your first implementation of a feature and be prepared to make trade-offs. I was happily cutting through email when Patricia — one of our Lead Engineers —...

Wtf is a product manager

David Smyth · 4 min read

A universally misunderstood title. Yeah, so what is a Product Manager? The Product Manager role is a relatively new and generally misunderstood role. So what is a Product Manager’s job?...